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Eatable: Hershey’s Drops
What kind: candy
Main ingredient: milk chocolate
Calories per serving: 200


For some reason my dad is always giving me candy. And me being me, I end up eating the candy. It’s my secret shame.

Anyways, he brought me a big bag of Hershey’s Drops, which I had never tried before. I thought the pieces would be the size of the M&Ms they resemble, but they aren’t. Each drop is approximately the size of a nickle and are pure milk chocolate. There is no shell, yet they feel solid and they don’t make a melty mess everywhere.

I suppose that if you make a dessert recipe with M&Ms (rice crispy squares, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chip muffins) and you don’t want to deal with shell mess, these drops might be a perfect substitution. They are rather big, but they should melt into perfect gooey bites of chocolatey goodness.

Serving Size: 15 pieces
Servings Per Container about 6
Calories: 200
Calories from fat 100

Seriously, I’ve eaten most of this bag. After about six there’s this sense that it’s too much chocolate at one time. I can’t imagine eating fifteen at once.

So if a realistic serving is 7 pieces, that’s only 100 calories.

I like the idea of these because they are seriously solid. The chocolate has been pressed into such dense little discs that I don’t think there’s much worry that they’ll get all melted and gooey in the cupboard. Though I would have to experiment with the melting point, as no one wants to bite into a cookie and get a hard chunk of chocolate.

My suggestions:

  • Chop them up or send them through a food processor and use them in a milkshake or on ice cream. (I’m picturing an Oreo-style shake, but
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