Real Talk

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As things fall apart around us, and the systems we depend on cease to work in the manner they’re supposed to, it would be easy to fall into despair.

It would be easy to turn to anger and resentment. To throw your hands up in the air and declare “We should just fuck everything up. That’ll show them.”

When really, more than ever, we need to hold each other up, lean on each other, and help each other out. As the government and our fellow citizens begin to fail as human beings, the rest of us need to build a backup infrastructure and backup resources on which to draw on and use.

What does that mean?

Well, companies that turn to the hatred of Trump as the answer don’t deserve our money. They don’t deserve our shares on social media. They don’t deserve anything at all.

So what if a business produces a product or service that I want right now. So what if their model is neat, and their idea is interesting. If they support hatred, than they’re not getting any money from me or my family.

Because when it all comes down to it, the service or app might be great, but if I wait 2 months someone else will come up with the same concept and model without all the crap.

So go ahead, businesses, don’t pay your employees proper wages. Don’t give them benefits because their family-unit doesn’t conform to your ultra-rigid ideas of what’s proper.

It sucks that your employees will have to get other jobs when your business tanks, but that’s not my fault. I’m not required to do business with any company I don’t believe in.

I might not be powerful or important.

But I spend money. I buy things. I do the … Read the rest “Vote with your money #TEOTWAWKI”

THEME: “Why I Like Kdramas”

I like kdramas because for the most part they’re happy. Because even when the characters are presented with unhappy situations, by series end love triumphs over adversity, the bad guys get their comeuppance, and the protagonists find their happy ending.

And in between the introduction and the ending, there is a wealth of sadness and joy. The best shows run the full gamut of human emotion and take you on a journey through empathy and despair.

It’s beautiful to be allowed to feel so much. To have all of your empty spaces filled, even just for a little while, enables a person to face their own life with a bit more hope that everything will turn out all right. And that’s beautiful.

To laugh and cry cleanses the soul. It opens you up to possibilities you might never have known. It lets you look at another person and see that they’re human too, and thus deserving of consideration and maybe even love.

In a world that is often confusing and scary, a kdrama lets you believe that perseverance will be rewarded. If you hold onto your spirit and don’t give in to temptation and cruelty, you can live a good life. Just keep moving forward, keep smiling, cry when you need the release, and don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough to be happy.

There’s so much feeling in a good kdrama. It might be fiction, but it feels like truth. Because you will laugh, cry, and fall in love one hour at a time.

And that’s another think I like about kdramas: they are planned out with a beginning and an ending. Each series has a goal to be reached and you don’t have to worry that things will be drawn … Read the rest “THEME: “Why I Like Kdramas””

Seriously, I mostly write for myself, but that doesn’t stop me from changing some things and gearing them toward other people.

Whenever I write a story, I always have an ending in mind. Sometimes it’s even the main part of what I imagined when I thought up the idea. I love HEAs, but sometimes I like some angst too. And it’s not happy or miserable unless you know how a situation came about; who cares about these guys until you get to know them, right?

But once you get to know them, your feeling toward them dictates how you want them to end up. A story should make you feel something for the characters no matter how their life turns out: Happy, sad, or dead.

I will admit that I have a certain fondness for the bad guys, from the simply mischievous to the darkest murderer. I love writing those guys — either from someone else’s perspective of them, or from the depths of their own twisted minds. (Though in the Panic Pure I’ve hung back from truly going into the head of the bad guy there, mostly because there’s a twist coming up and because that guy is just too crazy. I’d rather focus on Danny/Marshal and the whole hurt/comfort thing they’ve got going on.)

Anyways, my whole point is that I come from a fanfic background. I’m used to receiving reviews and getting into stupid conversations with people on LiveJournal. The only thing is that when you go semi-legit, it’s like starting all over again as the n00b and I totally hate it. So I thought I’d post a few free stories on my own site and let people come and discuss and whatever, but it doesn’t seem to be working out. Without my fanfic name wrapped around … Read the rest “Why Kimichee: I like to get feedback on things I’m writing”

Hello darkness, my old friend,
here I am to gaze again
upon the beauty of thy cheek,
your loving Will dost make us weep.
To see you both so rudely parted,
our hearts were broken,
then restarted, with the fire of our yearning,
for "Season 4!" our hearts are burning.