Coloring Books

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I’ve added a coloring book to my itch io account => <= if anyone’s interested in some coloring fun ^_^

The regular suggested price is $3.00 US, but until 12:00 a.m. PST Tuesday, August 18, 2020, you can download a FREE copy => HERE <= using a top-secret itch io download key. Shhhh.

If you grab a copy, I would be grateful if you let me know if there are any problems. I don’t have a printer ;_; but my images look crisp and clear on my Surface screen.

Thanks in advance.

Have fun coloring.


Haunted by the ghost of you,
the things you said,
and made me do;
the darkness that called out to me,
pulled me in,
set me free.
I lie here in my bed at night,
dream of you,
our Maybe Life,
regret the choices that we made,
the love you took into the grave.