Title: Fierce
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm contemporary
Rating: teen+
AN: Mentions past non-con and Simon dealing with it.
Summary: There were moments in the stillness where Simon found himself afraid. He would close his eyes only to have to open them again, his every sense quivering alert, sure the Boogeyman was going to get him. Again.
Title: The Center
Author: Harper Kingsley
Series: Julian Duncan
World: Of Blood
Genre: sci-fi horror
Summary: Julian escapes from a lab, only to be captured and dragged back to the horror of the Center. }
Hello darkness, my old friend,
here I am to gaze again
upon the beauty of thy cheek,
your loving Will dost make us weep.
To see you both so rudely parted,
our hearts were broken,
then restarted, with the fire of our yearning,
for "Season 4!" our hearts are burning.