Title: The Panic Pure
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm suspense thriller
Rating: mature
Summary: Danny trying to figure out what is going on between him and Marshal. }
Title: The Panic Pure
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm suspense thriller
Rating: mature
Summary: After sharing a week and a half of dinners with Danny, Marshal figured it was his turn to do something. Which is why he was heading into Worth Enterprises at eleven-thirty in the morning, a cloth shopping bag swinging from his hand. }
Title: The Panic Pure
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm suspense thriller
Rating: mature
Summary: Marshal glanced around, but as usual none of the other agents were paying their corner any attention. "Don't you ever worry that one day we're going to get in trouble for how much time we spend gossiping and just basically not working?" }
Genre: mm suspense thriller
Rating: mature
Summary: Danny froze for a moment, his eyes focused on Marshal's hand as though he thought it was something poisonous. The look in his eyes was so panicked that Marshal started to pull his hand back and assure him that it was all right, he didn't need a handshake or anything else from him. }
Haunted by the ghost of you,
the things you said,
and made me do;
the darkness that called out to me,
pulled me in,
set me free.
I lie here in my bed at night,
dream of you,
our Maybe Life,
regret the choices that we made,
the love you took into the grave.