Title: Across Two Divides
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: mm, mf, relationship drama
Character: Nicholas Underwood/David Jacobson, Christian DeLongeria/Julianna DeLongeria, Frankie Beauregard
Rating: Mature
Read Chapters One and Two
Summary: Nicholas goes on his first date with David. }
Title: Across Two Divides
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm contemporary romance drama
Rating: mature
Summary: The music was loud and there might have been too many people milling around, but he couldn't think of anywhere else he wanted to be. }
Title: From Diamond to Coal
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: mm superscience sci-fi romance
Rating: teen+
Summary: They were lying poolside at their hotel, a pitcher and two glasses between them. Alan wore a pair of blue swim trunks and his bare skin was smooth and tan. He looked as though he went to the gym regularly. }
Genre: mm superscience sci-fi
Rating: teen+
Summary: William closed his eyes for a long moment, trying to escape from that expression on Alan's face. "I'm still here. They didn't get me." }
Things I like: bacon. Bob's Burgers. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. cats. cheese. chocolate. crossword puzzles. Dredd. eggrolls. fried chicken. gochujang. Hannigram. HEAs. HFNs. jigsaw puzzles. kimchi. lo mein noodles. mushrooms. nectarines. Nintendo Switch. paperback books. pineapple. pizza. potstickers. raspberry jam. Rick and Morty. sleeping in. snickerdoodles. spaghetti. strawberries. sudoku. tacos. tomatoes. vacations. vaccinations.