Sol Crafter

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Title: Across Two Divides Author: Sol Crafter Genre: mm, mf, relationship drama Character: Nicholas Underwood/David Jacobson, Christian DeLongeria/Julianna DeLongeria, Frankie Beauregard Rating: Mature Read Chapters One and Two HERE Summary: Nicholas goes on his first date with David. }

Things I like: bacon. Bob's Burgers. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. cats. cheese. chocolate. crossword puzzles. Dredd. eggrolls. fried chicken. gochujang. Hannigram. HEAs. HFNs. jigsaw puzzles. kimchi. lo mein noodles. mushrooms. nectarines. Nintendo Switch. paperback books. pineapple. pizza. potstickers. raspberry jam. Rick and Morty. sleeping in. snickerdoodles. spaghetti. strawberries. sudoku. tacos. tomatoes. vacations. vaccinations.