Tuesday Night

Title: Tuesday Night
Author: Harper Kingsley
Setting: Kanon-verse
Genre: superhero, mm


Awkward emotional breakdown, check. Tony felt embarrassed even thinking about it, but Seth hadn’t said a word. There was no big push for him to talk about his feelings or to even explain why the thought of trusting Henry to strangers was driving him neurotic. Tony appreciated it; he was not ready to talk.

He was happy to spend the next week pretending that everything was normal and acting like he hadn’t had a big breakdown in the kitchen. He wanted things to go back to status quo, which was made difficult by the baby depending on him, but he was willing to repress and deny until the whole incident was forgotten.

He was sitting on the living room couch with Henry on his lap, watching Seth get ready to leave. It was weird to think that it was going to be just him and Henry for a while, but that was the way things worked for an active superhero.

The Teen Demis had a policy of two weeks on and two weeks off. There was the occasional stretch of vacation time depending on circumstances.

Seth pulled on his jacket and slung his overnight bag over his shoulder. “Well, I’m outta here for two weeks. Think you can handle things alone?”

“Please,” Tony waved his hand, “I’m a superhero. Changing diapers and baby food are no sweat.”

Seth laughed. “What about when he had that awful green poop? You were losing your mind.”

“Dude, that was just wrong. I still can’t believe that came out of this little guy. I thought he was really sick.”

Seth rolled his eyes and stepped close to brush his fingers against Henry’s head. “Be a good little man for Daddy. No … Read the rest “Tuesday Night, by Harper Kingsley – Chapter Eight [Kanon, superhero, Sunfire/Teen Steel, mm]”

Hanging out, down the street, same old thing we did last week...

Not a thing to do, but hang with you...

This song's so catchy I don't know what to do.