
A YouTube playlist of my writing process. From the Timeline of stories to Music Is the Food of Love to Kanon Darkstar: Unnamed Couch Fic.

Hope y’all enjoy. If there’s a story you wanted dedicated to you, let me know.


P.S. The Unnamed Couch Fic videos are age-restricted because there’s mention of Matthias’ no-no places. If you want to read the transcript, it’s on my Patreon here = <=.… Read the rest “HarperWCK: writing”

On the first day of Xmas, Harper Kingsley wrote for me of Darkstar transformed into a tree

Title: The Carrion Tree

Author: Harper Kingsley

Character: Kanon-Darkstar, post-Battle for Terra

The setup: After ruling a city of sycophants, a tired-of-all-the-bs Darkstar approaches Dr. Zee for the technology to jump universes. He activates the device and travels to a new Earth… And in that moment, there are an infinite number of worlds he could have gone to. And if branch-theory is a thing, a version of him has gone to a version of every world. This Darkstar has come to this world.

Darkstar ends up on an Earth with some very different plant life. Including the carrion plant that all smart humans avoid unless they want their every orifice entered.

The pleasure is great, but most people avoid carrion plants unless they want to die.

CW: consent issues due to it being an inhuman plant using aphrodisiacs as a prey attractant.


Twitter meta-thread:


The birds circled overhead, their screeching caws more than anything else telling him he was far from home. Their red feathers were a bright slash against the blue-blue sky. The air smelled of some foreign spice, near overpowering in its intensity.

"Well shit," Darkstar said, and sneezed. He could feel his nose beginning to run and it was such a foreign sensation that he allowed himself to enjoy it. From his reading, he figured he wouldn’t be marveling at the feeling for long.

Reaching down, he picked up a rock and crushed it between his fingers. Superstrength intact? Check.

It looked like the air-quality of this alternate universe could affect him. At least until his body adapted to it. (He hoped his body adapted to it. He was already growing annoyed with the sensation.)

He looked … Read the rest “On the first day of Xmas, Harper Kingsley wrote for me of”

Kimichee is fiction, poetry, artwork, and creativity in the raw. Story genres are science fiction, fantasy, horror, ultraviolence, slash, mm, magical realism, spec fic, and more; sometimes all rolled into one. Look up “Harper Kingsley” if you want to find me.

Putting out my beseeching hat.

Currently in-progress

Paradigm Shift part 2: This picks up right where Paradigm Shift left off. Starts with an Interlude, continues with Chapter 21 in micro-chunks.

Posting schedule: Monday-Friday, basically any time of the day or night.

The easiest way to catch up with the story so-far is to read “Paradigm Shift” as either an ebook or paperback from: Amazon. Smashwords. Scribd.

You can find the posts for ParaShift 2 in this masterlist.

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Hello darkness, my old friend,
here I am to gaze again
upon the beauty of thy cheek,
your loving Will dost make us weep.
To see you both so rudely parted,
our hearts were broken,
then restarted, with the fire of our yearning,
for "Season 4!" our hearts are burning.