
Would anyone like to purchase early-access to “Prompts & Ponderings” for $10? It’s currently an on-going project, but you will receive an ebook of everything when the series is complete (I have Calibre, so I can make different formats, though I’m far from an expert with the program). If you have a preferred store that you buy from — Amazon, Smashwords, Lt3, All Romance Ebooks — you can wait until the Perfect Collection comes out, though I don’t have a date on when that will be.

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PROMPT: “He hated being a cyborg. He missed his old life. His old self. The way things used to be.”

SCRIBBLE: His wife promised him that they would have forever. Even with what was Read the rest “Early-Access to “Prompts & Ponderings””

“Shower buddies” –The showers are side-by-side, so two men that have never seen each other end up singing together every morning.


A. “Did you know that every morning he gets up to take a shower at seven in the morning and sing with his neighbor? Shower buddies, he called it.”


“Yeah. It blew my mind for some reason. I’m okay with it now, but at first it seemed so weird.”


B. It freaked him out at first. One minute singing alone, the next in chorus with the guy from the neighboring apartment.

And then it was kind of cool.

In the mornings as he lathered up, he’d sing along with his neighbor, songs he never would have shared with anyone else.

B1. It was romantic, but in a nonsexual way. This was his singing buddy. This was his beautiful friend whose face he never wanted to see.

How horrible was that?

But he’d been hurt before. He’d fallen out of love with plenty of people when he *got* to see how they truly lived.

His step-sister had delighted in taking all of the magic out of his world when he’d been twelve years old. It was the one stark memory of his childhood that he maintained: that monstrous figure looming over him. He’d thought she’d been demonically possessed.

Always so quiet and still, she’d leaped out of her chair and begun screaming out answers to every question he’d interrupted her with all night. Bulging eyes and raging mouth; he’d been completely terrified. And ever since then, his every bogeyman-moment was tied to that fear. (He wished he hadn’t posted his worst fear in his profile. It would have been better if he’d made something up.)

He couldn’t handle it if his singing buddy was horrible to look … Read the rest “PROMPT: Shower Buddies”

Story Prompt Generator