
I can see the plausibility of "Jupiter Ascending." I realize a lot of other people saw it as ridiculous sci-fi fluff, but I enjoyed it.

In all the reviews I read, people are like "Reincarnated alien space princess, totally possible. Same with anti-grav boots, spaceships, and universe-spanning corporate empires that use humans for medical ingredients. But Jupiter cleaning a bathroom at the end of the movie? Pfth. Pure fantasy. This movie is girl-empowering garbage not even worthy of further consideration."

Not to spoil the movie or anything, but yes, at the end, Jupiter Jones cleans a toilet. Her family owns a cleaning service that is probably raking in tons of business now that they have a space princess to fund their Lysol supply. And I could totally see her being cool enough and humble enough to stay with her family and bring them with her into a future full of fun and fortune.

Because I’m sorry, but being able to leave your maid job and jump off a building and blade away would be awesome. Especially if you have Caine Wise keeping you company and being your personal bodyguard.

And seriously, you’ve gotta respect anyone that looks that good wielding a toilet brush.

I’ve never played the game or read the fanfic. I literally know dick all about Borderlands 2. Yet he’s asking me these questions and I’m seeing these things, and it’s really getting my imagination going.

A. Is the corrosive – acid? plasma? electricity? – held together with an electrostatic charge of some kind? The discharge would continue onward until it hits something and dissipates, releasing the corrosive in a destructive splash.

A1. Bioengineered capsaicin for a non-lethal deterrent.

Hits the victim like a bursting cloud of paralyzing awful.

Riot cops carry Pepper Blast ammo in their pouches. They also pack more lethal ammunition for their various weapons. Including the so-called Annihilator rounds that hit the victim with a monomolecular acid.

A2. People begin wearing body armor at all times. It’s not enough to completely protect the wearer, but it can block a single blast.

Energy Armor becomes a regular thing, though it’s very expensive. The wearer has solid armor to protect against physical attack, as well as a grid sewn throughout to emit a repulsion field. When an electrostatic ball is fired at the wearer, the Energy Armor sends it rebounding in another direction.

B1. A future where people can have themselves biologically reprinted. They are reconstructed inside projection machines and step out to continue the fight.

B2. People are reconstructed as themselves. They wake up and keep on going without a single stumble or second thought.

B2-1. The mc realizes that he’s a clone. “I’m not me. I’m the memory of someone that died. And when I bite it there will be someone that looks like me to pick up my life where I left it, but that person won’t be me.”

B2-2. People prearrange the dispensation of their genetic memory and the brain scans they leave behind.

B2-2a. … Read the rest “The Kid asked, “How do they shoot that corrosive?” in Borderlands 2 [nsfw]”

This movie was super good. I don’t even have the words right now[1].

Julianne Moore played the role of Evelyn Ryan so good. And I loved the idea of Tuff having been there for every single moment in the movie. Like, she was the first one to say “Dude, you’re drinking too much. Stop spending all the money” to her dad. Everyone else was just lurking around, constantly feeling like something bad was going to happen.

That’s fucking powerful, man. It’s like all the emotions in the world.

Streaming: “The Prize Winner of Defiance, Oh” [Amazon Instant]
Disc: “The Prize Winner of Defiance, Oh” [Amazon]
Book: “The Prize Winner of Defiance, Oh” [Amazon]

1. I am really fucking peebled. Plus I’ve got a serious mix of hormones happening at the moment. It makes my higher brain functions collapse in on themselves even as it raises my creative processes.

* * *

She always carries a thick blanket everywhere shes goes. Folded in half, it makes a great mattress when she’s staying somewhere.

Couch surfing has kept her from sleeping in a gutter, and one of the keys to being invited back is good guest behavior.

She washed her blanket several times a week at the coin wash laundry. She’d found a place that had a 24-hour attendant and wi-fi. She wasn’t allowed to sleep there, but she could use it as a base of operations.

The place had heat, a bathroom, snack machines, and even a small bank of game machines (tablets with their cases bolted to a stand to prevent theft. At her suggestion, the laundromat attendant had even made some podiums so players could stand when they played. And somehow there were gray sensor mats rolled out on the floor … Read the rest “Here it is on Amazon; a collection of events. [“The Prize Winner of Defiance, Oh” w/Julianne Moore]”

Things I like: bacon. Bob's Burgers. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. cats. cheese. chocolate. crossword puzzles. Dredd. eggrolls. fried chicken. gochujang. Hannigram. HEAs. HFNs. jigsaw puzzles. kimchi. lo mein noodles. mushrooms. nectarines. Nintendo Switch. paperback books. pineapple. pizza. potstickers. raspberry jam. Rick and Morty. sleeping in. snickerdoodles. spaghetti. strawberries. sudoku. tacos. tomatoes. vacations. vaccinations.