RAW: “Overwatch”-segment, by Harper Kingsley Excerpt, Kanon
Title: Overwatch
Author: Harper Kingsley
Universe: Kanon-verse (alternate universe version of Heroes & Villains)
Here I am, he thought. One day older. One day closer.
He squeezed his eyes closed. Drew a deep breath in through his nose. Then he pressed the button that raised the top portion of the hospital bed to an upright position. He clenched his teeth against the pain, feeling the lines around his nose and eyes pull tight.
If he lived, he would carry reminders of this experience forever.
Finally the pain shifted, released. He could breathe. The tears weren’t threatening to squeeze their way past his eyelids.
He took a few moments to regain his composure. Then he shifted the fingers of his left hand onto the call button. Concentrated. And pressed.
Thirty seconds later a nurse appeared. “Good morning, Blue Ice. Are you ready for your pain medications now?”
Warrick thought about saying No. Thought about pretending to be strong for one more minute and continuing to suffer through this agony that had become his life. Then he thought about cool relief from the nerve pain caused by his continuous brain seizures.
“Sir?” the nurse asked. “Is that a Yes or a No on the pain medication at this time? I need a verbal reply, as per your instructions.”
Sometimes Warrick cursed his past-self. That self-assured fool that had never truly believed he could be brought so low. Who never would have imagined a time when all he’d want was for someone else to make the hard choices, because he hurt too much to even care.
“Y-y-yessss,” he hissed out through his teeth.
Then there was sweet relief at the hands of his beautiful caretaker. He didn’t know her name, but he loved her with all … Read the rest “RAW: “Overwatch”-segment, by Harper Kingsley Excerpt, Kanon”