Prompt Fill: 342. lucid 1A

Her first lucid thought was that things had gone wrong. Then the pain pulled her down again and it was another two days before she regained consciousness. By then they’d already taken her right leg below the knee and her left leg at mid-thigh.

She was a huddle of blankets on the bed. Her body made small by stillness and the mass of bandages covering her face and arms, each of her fingers individually splinted and wrapped.

It was pain that woke her, then they had to knock her out again when she was unable to stop her panic.

She almost thought that waking was a dream–a nightmare–except she was still in the hospital when she woke up. Her legs were still ruined. Her arms and fingers were still broken messes of healing bone and flesh. She was still the only surviving victim of The Renaissance Mangler, a serial killer that had been preying on the city for the last four years. Men, women, children–the Mangler had no preference but to cause pain to his victims before killing them and dumping their bodies where they would be found.

It was the Mangler’s need for attention that saved her life. Through his interactions with the media, the FBI were able to find the warehouse where he tortured and murdered his victims. And though The Renaissance Mangler wasn’t caught, his latest victim was found alive.

Splayed out on the floor of a large metal cage, she’d looked dead. The Mangler must have known they were coming and killed her before he fled. It was grim work breaking into the cage, until someone shouted that her chest had moved–she was breathing!–and they burnt through the lock with heightened urgency. The EMTs streamed into the cage and she was … Read the rest “Prompt Fill: 342. lucid 1A”

Tea Leoni as Elizabeth McCord and Tim Daly as Henry McCord definitely bring on the drama in Barbara Hall’s Madam Secretary.

“A political drama which looks into the life of the Secretary of State as she tries to balance work with family.” – Created by Barbara Hall.


However you describe this show’s genre – I really dig Madam Secretary. It’s one of the DVR’d shows that I’m finally catching up on.

It’s obviously based on Hillary Clinton in her role as Secretary of State. But they’ve gone in a definite alternate universe direction with things that have really caught my interest. At least to the point that I want to see how this television series plays out.

Several times I’ve thought about a book series I once read about a girl, Meg, whose mother becomes the first female President of the United States. Told from her perspective, the President’s Daughter series was something young-me devoured and it gave me a love of political dramas.

From The West Wing to Newsroom, I have a fascination for what’s going on in the background of societies. I honestly think I would enjoy a behind-the-scenes at the Roman villa historical drama as long as it was relatively accurate.

I binge-watched the first three seasons of Scandal, unable to keep my eyes from staring. But things got a little heavy for me. The ratio between gratuitousness and content went a bit over the allowable limit for my watching ability.

The not-overly graphic narrative-driven style of Madam Secretary is something easy to watch. I don’t know that I would watch the episodes over and over again, but it’s solidly watchable at least once.

Elizabeth McCord was kind of a frumpy character in the first season. But as the show has progressed, … Read the rest “RE TV SHOW: Madam Secretary (polidrama, reality AU)”

I splurged a bit, but I figure a movie or a book is something that can be enjoyed multiple times.

And who knows, it might be nice to have something to watch on TV the next time the Internet goes out or DirecTV is dealing with a network strike.


Kingsman: The Secret Service – from Amazon. I got this on Blu-Ray for $3.99. (I actually prefer DVD for the universal playability, but whatever.) Other than the obsession with anal sex, from what I remember this was a solidly entertaining movie.

Colin Firth was great. That church scene was eye-popping. And the whole dynamic has spawned some truly great fanfic.

So all around, I’m pleased with my purchase.


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot – from Amazon. I got this on DVD for $3.99. I’ve never seen it before, but I remember that the trailer was kind of amusing and I wanted to see it.

I’m willing to give Tina Fey a chance. Hopefully this is a movie my dad will like. 🙂


Fury – from Amazon. At $5.99 for Blu-ray (or $4.99 for DVD) I think this was a good buy.

My brother said it’s a good war movie, though there’s one sex scene that I might want to skip passed. Otherwise it’s all action and rugged tank fighting.


Joy – from Amazon. I got this for $3.99 on DVD. I had to really think about this one, because while the trailers looked good and the list of stars looks good, I’m just not into melancholy movies. But from what I understand, this movie’s supposed to be good all the way through.

I’ll give it a chance and share whether it’s truly “a must-see” movie.


Pride + Prejudice + Zombies – from Amazon. … Read the rest “I bought “Kingsman” on Blu-ray for $3.99”

Some tiles I’ve decorated

Through a window darkly gazing
At a sight afraid to see
Breathing deep the salted water
Dreaming dreams, of you and me.