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Training Season, by Leta Blake“Training Season,” by Leta Blake is on sale for $2.99 right now.

Title: Training Season
Author: Leta Blake
Genre: mm, figure skater

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Description borrowed from Leta Blake’s blog: Unquestionably talented figure skater Matty Marcus is willing to sacrifice everything for his Olympic dream, but his lack of discipline cost him the gold once before. Now the pressure’s on. He needs a coach who can keep him in line, but top coaches don’t come cheap, and Matty can’t afford to stay in the game no matter how badly he wants to win.

When a lucrative house-sitting gig brings him to rural Montana, Matty does his best to maintain his training regimen. Local residents turn out to be surprisingly tolerant of his flamboyant style, especially handsome young rancher Rob Lovely, who proves to be much more than a cowboy stereotype. Just as Matty requires a firm hand to perform his best on the ice, Rob shows him how strong he can be when he relinquishes control in the bedroom. With new-found self-assurance, he drives himself harder to go straight to the top.

But competition has a timetable, and to achieve his Olympic dream, Matty will have to join his new coach in New York City, leaving Rob behind. Now he must face the ultimate test. Has he truly learned how to win — on and off the ice — during his training season?

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Eatable: Hershey’s Drops
What kind: candy
Main ingredient: milk chocolate
Calories per serving: 200


For some reason my dad is always giving me candy. And me being me, I end up eating the candy. It’s my secret shame.

Anyways, he brought me a big bag of Hershey’s Drops, which I had never tried before. I thought the pieces would be the size of the M&Ms they resemble, but they aren’t. Each drop is approximately the size of a nickle and are pure milk chocolate. There is no shell, yet they feel solid and they don’t make a melty mess everywhere.

I suppose that if you make a dessert recipe with M&Ms (rice crispy squares, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate chip muffins) and you don’t want to deal with shell mess, these drops might be a perfect substitution. They are rather big, but they should melt into perfect gooey bites of chocolatey goodness.

Serving Size: 15 pieces
Servings Per Container about 6
Calories: 200
Calories from fat 100

Seriously, I’ve eaten most of this bag. After about six there’s this sense that it’s too much chocolate at one time. I can’t imagine eating fifteen at once.

So if a realistic serving is 7 pieces, that’s only 100 calories.

I like the idea of these because they are seriously solid. The chocolate has been pressed into such dense little discs that I don’t think there’s much worry that they’ll get all melted and gooey in the cupboard. Though I would have to experiment with the melting point, as no one wants to bite into a cookie and get a hard chunk of chocolate.

My suggestions:

  • Chop them up or send them through a food processor and use them in a milkshake or on ice cream. (I’m picturing an Oreo-style shake, but
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No one keeps secrets from her…

The Fallen
by Lee French and Erik Kort

Publication Date: January 26, 2014
Series: The Greatest Sin #1
Genre: Fantasy

For hundreds of years, the Blaukenev clan has wandered across Tilzam, from one end to the other and back. Each wagon carries history, love, laughter, pain, sorrow, and secrets. Their greatest secret of all may be Chavali, the clan Seer.

damn her. 

With her gift/curse, nothing surprises her anymore, no one keeps secrets from her. She, on the other hand, has more than enough secrets to keep. Secrets of her own, secrets of her clan, secrets of the world, secrets she even keeps from herself.

There are always people who want secrets. 
Some will do anything to get what they want. 

The Fallen is the foundation of the story of The Greatest Sin, of a world adrift from its God that desperately wants Her back. Chavali’s comfortable, predictable life will be ripped apart and burnt to ashes as she’s forced into the middle of that struggle. Change, she hates it passionately. It hates her right back.

About Lee French and Erik Kort

Lee French lives in Worcester, MA with two kids, two mice, two bicycles, and too much stuff. She is an avid gamer and active member of the Myth-Weavers online RPG community, where she is known for her fondness for Angry Ninja Squirrels of Doom. In addition to spending much time there, she also trains year-round for the one-week of glorious madness that is RAGBRAI, has a nice flower garden with absolutely no lawn gnomes, and tries in vain every year to grow vegetables that don’t get devoured by neighborhood wildlife.

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Title: It’s All Geek to Me
Author: JL Merrow
Cover by: LC Chase
Genre: contemporary, mm
Word count: 13,600 (55 ms pages)


Blurb from Riptide Publishing: Jez is on a mission of mercy: to replace a tragically deceased comic book for his injured best mate, Tel. Venturing into the Hidden Asteroid bookstore in London—the temple of geekdom itself—Jez is bowled over by the guy behind the counter.

Rhys is the poster boy for hot geeks: tall, gorgeous, and totally cool. Jez is desperate to impress him, so he bluffs his way through comic book jargon . . . and then dashes back to the hospital to beg Tel to teach him how to speak Geek.

Tel’s happy to oblige, and Jez is over the moon when Rhys asks him out. He’s even more thrilled when they discover a shared love of rugby, something he won’t have to fake for Rhys. The question is, how long can Jez keep up the deception, and what will happen when Rhys realizes he’s going out with a Fake Geek Guy?
– See more at:

This was a short read. That said, I really enjoy JL Merrow’s written voice. It’s always very engaging and sucks a reader in. She could quote a newspaper and make it sound like the most interesting thing around. Plus, I always add the British accent, which makes everything ten-times better.

I mostly wished that there could have been more. I was introduced to the characters and given a taste of who they are, and then it was over 🙁 I also didn’t like how Jez constantly puts himself down. It leaves me very curious about what happened in his previous relationship to make his self-esteem so low, but it also kind of made me uncomfortable to … Read the rest “RE BOOK: It’s All Geek to Me, by JL Merrow [mm, contemporary]”

Through a window darkly gazing
At a sight afraid to see
Breathing deep the salted water
Dreaming dreams, of you and me.