Title: It’s All Geek to Me
Author: JL Merrow
Cover by: LC Chase
Genre: contemporary, mm
Word count: 13,600 (55 ms pages)
AMAZON: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IBYWYOW/?tag=kimichee-20
Blurb from Riptide Publishing: Jez is on a mission of mercy: to replace a tragically deceased comic book for his injured best mate, Tel. Venturing into the Hidden Asteroid bookstore in London—the temple of geekdom itself—Jez is bowled over by the guy behind the counter.
Rhys is the poster boy for hot geeks: tall, gorgeous, and totally cool. Jez is desperate to impress him, so he bluffs his way through comic book jargon . . . and then dashes back to the hospital to beg Tel to teach him how to speak Geek.
Tel’s happy to oblige, and Jez is over the moon when Rhys asks him out. He’s even more thrilled when they discover a shared love of rugby, something he won’t have to fake for Rhys. The question is, how long can Jez keep up the deception, and what will happen when Rhys realizes he’s going out with a Fake Geek Guy?
– See more at: http://riptidepublishing.com/titles/its-all-geek-to-me#sthash.Lqc8hh1x.dpuf
This was a short read. That said, I really enjoy JL Merrow’s written voice. It’s always very engaging and sucks a reader in. She could quote a newspaper and make it sound like the most interesting thing around. Plus, I always add the British accent, which makes everything ten-times better.
I mostly wished that there could have been more. I was introduced to the characters and given a taste of who they are, and then it was over 🙁 I also didn’t like how Jez constantly puts himself down. It leaves me very curious about what happened in his previous relationship to make his self-esteem so low, but it also kind of made me uncomfortable to have him always thinking the worst of himself.
Even though he’s straight, I wouldn’t mind reading Tel’s story. He was the cute and funny hospitalized friend, and considering how seriously his legs were trashed, I think his upbeat attitude was awesome.
My rating: 3.
This was a quick read with likable characters and a cute premise.
They have some sex.
There’s some hidden-identity guilt.