
I’ve always wanted to make my own font, and from what my googling has taught me thus far, it seems to be pretty easy. Awesome.

First link is a step-by-step on how to use MyScriptFont, and second is a link to MyScriptFont. It’s a free online tool that lets you turn your handwritten letters into a font script. You retain all copyright and they don’t keep a copy. You can use your font for anything you like.

“Turn Your Handwriting Into a Font With MyScriptFont” –
link: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/turn-handwriting-into-fonts/

“MyScriptFont: Handwriting Font Creator” –
link: http://www.myscriptfont.com/


I was tooling around Buzzfeed and I found several interesting articles.

“22 Easy One-Pot Meals With No Meat” – Vegetarian, not vegan. I’m most interested in the vegetarian pho and the butternut squash noodle bowl. Some of the others I would have to look over a bit more.
link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/deenashanker/one-pot-vegetarian-meals

“Vegetarian Pho” – This recipe looks super easy. I can make this.
link: http://www.thekitchn.com/recipe-vegetarian-pho-107312

“10 Minute Meal: Butternut Squash Ramen Bowl With Rice Noodles, Tofu & Fresh Pea Shoots” – Just from the pics alone my gaze is drawn to this noodle bowl. The color is so vivid and it makes my stomach rumble.
link: http://inpursuitofmore.com/2014/02/19/10-minute-meal-butternut-squash-ramen-bowl-with-rice-noodles-tofu-fresh-pea-shoots/

“37 Hacks to Make Dish Washing Easier – And when I’m all done cooking and eating, I’ve got this handy dandy dish washing guide to help me out. Good soup.
link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/emofly/37-hacks-to-make-dish-washing-easier

I also looked at this one, because the title alone drew me in:
“Girl Scout Sells 117 Boxes of Cookies in 2 Hours After Setting Up In Front of A Marijuana Dispensary” –  Was there any doubt? Hopefully she won’t be kicked out of the scouts because of this, but what a great idea.
link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/girl-scout-sells-117-boxes-of-cookies-in-2-hours-after-setti


“The 10 Biggest Super Fandoms on the Internet” – … Read the rest “Exploring the Internet: Handwriting Font; Buzzfeed; Mashable”

Words from "The Cat In The Hat" by Dr. Seuss: A, About, After, All, Always, And, Another, Any, Are, As, Asked, At, Away, Back, Bad, Ball, Be, Bed, Bent, Bet, Big, Bit, Bite, Book, Books, Bow, Box, Bump, Bumps, But, Cake, Call, Came, Can, Cat, Cold, Come, Could, Cup, Day, Dear, Deep, Did, Dish, Do, Dots, Down, Fall, Fan, Fast, Fear, Fell, Find, Fish, Fly, For, Fox, From, Fun, Funny, Game, Games, Gave, Get, Give, Go, Gone, Good, Got, Gown, Had, Hall, Hand, Hands, Has, Hat, Have, He, Head, Hear, Her, Here, High, Him, His, Hit, Hold, Home, Hook, Hop, Hops, House, How, I, If, In, Into, Is, It, Jump, Jumps, Kicks, Kind, Kinds, Kite, Kites, Know, Last, Let, Like, Lit, Little, Look, Looked, Lot, Lots, Made, Make, Man, Mat, Me, Mess, Milk, Mind, Mother, Mother’s, My, Near, Net, New, No, Not, Nothing, Now, Of, Oh, On, One, Our, Out, Pack, Pat, Pick, Picked, Pink, Play, Playthings, Plop, Pot, Put, Rake, Ran, Red, Rid, Run, Sad, Said, Sally, Sank, Sat, Saw, Say, See, Shake, Shame, She, Shine, Ship, Shook, Should, Show, Shut, Sit, So, Some, Something, Stand, Step, Stop, String, Strings, Sun, Sunny, Tail, Take, Tall, Tame, Tell, That, The, Their, Them, Then, There, These, They, Thing, Things, Think, This, Those, Thump, Thumps, Tip, To, Too, Top, Toy, Trick, Tricks, Two, Up, Us, Wall, Want, Was, Way, We, Well, Went, Were, Wet, What, When, White, Who, Why, Will, Wish, With, Wood, Would, Yes, Yet, You, Your