It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Season 10 of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” is finally on Netflix, just days before Season 11 premiers on FXX (January 6, 2016). So if you’ve been looking out for that, you’re welcome.

If you’re new to the show, you should be aware that the first few seasons are pretty rough. To be honest, there’s tons of episodes that I don’t like and that I watched once and would not go out of my way to watch again. Yet the episodes that I like… I’ve watched them several times.

My top episodes:
S3 E11 – “Dennis Looks Like a Registered Sex Offender”
S4 E1 – “Mac and Dennis: Manhunters”
S4 E13 – “The Nightman Cometh”
S5E2 – “The Gang Hits the Road”
S5E6 – “The World Series Defense”
S6E7 – “Who Got Dee Pregnant?”
S6E11 – “The Gang Gets Stranded in the Woods”
S6E12 – “Dee Gives Birth”
S6E13/14 – “A Very Sunny Christmas”
S7E1 – “Frank’s Pretty Woman”
S7E2 – “The Gang Goes to the Jersey Shore”
S7E3 – “Frank Reynold’s Little Beauties”
S7E6 – “The Storm of the Century”
S7E7 – “Chardee MacDennis: The Game of Games”
S7E8 – “The ANTI-Social Network”
S7E9 – “The Gang Gets Trapped”
S7E10 – “How Mac Got Fat”
S7E11 – “Thunder Gun Express”
S8E3 – “The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre”
S8E4 – “Charlie and Dee Find Love”
S8E5 – “The Gang Gets Analyzed”
S8E9 – “The Gang Dines Out
S8E10 – “Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense”
S9E2 – “Gun Fever Too: Still Hot”
S9E3 – “The Gang Desperately Tries to Win an Award”
S9E5 – “Mac Day”
S9E6 – “The Gang Saves the Day”
S9E7 – “The Gang Gets Quarantined”
S9E8 – “Flowers for Charlie”
S9E9 – “The Gang Makes Lethal Weapon 6”
S9E10 – “The Gang Squashes Their Beefs”
S10E1 … Read the rest “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 10 is on Netflix”


Pacific Rim/IASIP -> I can totally see Charlie Kelly as the FATHER of Newton Geiszler.

Though there’s a plotline where Charlie is Newt.


“Smartpills” – story where Charlie received smartpills from Scientist and set out to learn stuff. He begins by studying the rats he mashes, which leads to him receiving a biology degree. From there he widens his research into many other fields and begins collecting PhDs.

1. He’s brilliant and he helps defeat the Kaiju. And then the pills begin to wear off. (It’s small things at first. Forgetting a phone number here or there. Looking at the pages of a book and seeing only a jumble of puzzle pieces. And usully he’s tired, and that’s the excuse he gives for all the little mistakes.

I’m not stupid. I can read. Stop making fun of me.

But things happen, as they’re wont to do, and he finally has to recognize that it’s not because he’s tired. It’s not because he’s sloppy or distracted.

The pills are wearing off.

He’s losing that borrowed brilliance. He’s going back to being the dummy. The mocked. The Charlie.)

It made him feel sick to his stomach.

There’s no way he can let Herms or anyone else see what he’s becoming. He doesn’t want to be remembered like that. He wants to be the rockstar scientist god.

Newt gathers up Algernon and packs up the things he can’t do without. He hires movers to clear out the rest of his apartment on his way out of town and hopes they don’t steal too much of his stuff.

He’s always hated being stolen from. It was the thing that had finally had him kick Frank out of his life.

When Frank stole the Waitress from him.

And … Read the rest “FANMETA: Charlie Kelly [IASIP]; Prompts; Pacific Rim”

Words from "The Cat In The Hat" by Dr. Seuss: A, About, After, All, Always, And, Another, Any, Are, As, Asked, At, Away, Back, Bad, Ball, Be, Bed, Bent, Bet, Big, Bit, Bite, Book, Books, Bow, Box, Bump, Bumps, But, Cake, Call, Came, Can, Cat, Cold, Come, Could, Cup, Day, Dear, Deep, Did, Dish, Do, Dots, Down, Fall, Fan, Fast, Fear, Fell, Find, Fish, Fly, For, Fox, From, Fun, Funny, Game, Games, Gave, Get, Give, Go, Gone, Good, Got, Gown, Had, Hall, Hand, Hands, Has, Hat, Have, He, Head, Hear, Her, Here, High, Him, His, Hit, Hold, Home, Hook, Hop, Hops, House, How, I, If, In, Into, Is, It, Jump, Jumps, Kicks, Kind, Kinds, Kite, Kites, Know, Last, Let, Like, Lit, Little, Look, Looked, Lot, Lots, Made, Make, Man, Mat, Me, Mess, Milk, Mind, Mother, Mother’s, My, Near, Net, New, No, Not, Nothing, Now, Of, Oh, On, One, Our, Out, Pack, Pat, Pick, Picked, Pink, Play, Playthings, Plop, Pot, Put, Rake, Ran, Red, Rid, Run, Sad, Said, Sally, Sank, Sat, Saw, Say, See, Shake, Shame, She, Shine, Ship, Shook, Should, Show, Shut, Sit, So, Some, Something, Stand, Step, Stop, String, Strings, Sun, Sunny, Tail, Take, Tall, Tame, Tell, That, The, Their, Them, Then, There, These, They, Thing, Things, Think, This, Those, Thump, Thumps, Tip, To, Too, Top, Toy, Trick, Tricks, Two, Up, Us, Wall, Want, Was, Way, We, Well, Went, Were, Wet, What, When, White, Who, Why, Will, Wish, With, Wood, Would, Yes, Yet, You, Your