It’s the end of the world as we know it

To everyone telling us to calm down, that the election is won and done, please, if you know something we don’t, EXPLAIN how everything is going to be all right.

Explain how Trump is qualified for the job.

Explain how he’s not a criminal.
That he didn’t defraud young people looking for an education.
That he didn’t sexually assault people.
That he didn’t make gross and inappropriate comments.

Explain how it wasn’t about race, misogyny, bigotry, xenophobia, or homophobia.
That you’ve voted with your conscience.
That while you don’t believe in hatred, you believe in freedom.
That people aren’t already being abused.
That the dangerous emotions he stirred up will just disappear.

Explain how non-racist, non-homophobic, non-misogynistic, non-xenophobic Trump supporters are.

Explain all your reasons why you think everything is going to be sunshine and roses for the next four years.

Then open your eyes, look around, and see that people are ALREADY being affected.

That a vote of “conscience” for Trump doesn’t make that voter complicit in everything that he does with his power.

And then tell me, in a few months or a year or two, when he steps down due to “health reasons” i.e. Alzheimer’s disease, that everything is going to be super great with Mike Pence as our President.

Tell me that it’s going to be okay when he starts putting in laws, and the militia groups gain more popularity.

They are recognized terrorist organizations.

Pence is all buddy-buddy with their groups and ideals. “White power”, “Make America Great – and by great we mean absolutely terrible for everyone not rich and white”, all kinds of <_< whacky crap that makes my skin creep.

Trump worries me.

Pence terrifies me.

So people telling me it’s going to be all cool – write your blog post explaining … Read the rest “To everyone telling us to calm down, that the election is won and done”

Hanging out, down the street, same old thing we did last week...

Not a thing to do, but hang with you...

This song's so catchy I don't know what to do.