
Title: Tuesday Night
Author: Harper Kingsley
Setting: Kanon-verse
Genre: superhero, mm
WARNING: Some spoilers for “Pulse of the City


Things had gotten awkward and Tony didn’t know what to do about it. He’d screwed things up and no amount of apologizing was going to make things right again.

Every time Solar looked at him, he couldn’t help cringing a little. She’d never been his favorite member of the Teen Demis, but she was one of his teammates. He’d known better than to mess around with her, and now things were coming around to bite him on the ass.

He could already tell things were about to blow up. Especially considering the poisonous looks Pulsar kept sending him.

Tony didn’t think Solar had said anything to her brother, but Pulsar had a sixth sense about her. And he wasn’t the kind of guy to let anything go. So it was kind of a given that there was going to be a giant clash of the “one night stand” and “wrathful brother” variety. There was no avoiding it. He was destined to be guy that messed things up.

Tony found himself spending a lot of time with Sunfire, hanging around and playing video games. It gave him the chance to regain his equilibrium. Ashley was still dead and there was still a gaping emptiness inside where she used to be, but he was starting to think that maybe he would be okay. His life would be able to go on.

He had to keep living through each day as it happened. There was nothing else he could do. At some point all the awkwardness would either come bubbling to a head or dissipate. He couldn’t help hoping that it would all slip away. He could live a life … Read the rest “Tuesday Night – Chapter Two [Kanon, superhero, Sunfire/Teen Steel, mm]”

Title: Two Scenes
Subtitle: Kanon vs Canon: Behemoth
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: science fiction, superhero, action
Link to part one: Two Scenes 01

The sounds of battle were getting closer and he found himself bracing for that moment when Behemoth crushed him and the civilians that depended on him. Hearing the adults hushing the panicked children above him did not make him feel any better. There were lives depending on him.

Seth kicked up his speed, praying that he could get them away before the fight reached their location. He could hear the shrieks of the children as they were jostled around inside the van, but he didn’t have the wherewithal to worry about them. He had to focus on getting away.

He thought he could feel Behemoth’s hot breath on the back of his neck, that was how close Behemoth was getting. It seemed the giant villain had spotted the van and had decided to go after the kids.

Title: Two Scenes
Subtitle: Kanon vs Canon: Behemoth
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: science fiction, superhero, action

Kanon vs Canon: Behemoth
By Harper Kingsley

The team was still one member short with the death of Sonic Pulse. They’d had to switch up their offense/defense strategies to accommodate her absence. It left things feeling a bit lopsided and they hadn’t yet become used to the new arrangement. Which made it the perfect time for them to answer an emergency call.

“What exactly are we headed into?” Seth asked, pulling on his armored undersuit.

“They’re being a bit shady with the info,” Powergirl said. She’d already changed and was sitting sideways on the bench, a tablet resting on her bent knees. “They say we’ll be briefed once we reach Star City.”

Seth exchanged a glance with Teen Steel. “You’re making me nervous. I don’t like the idea of heading into deadly situations blindly.”

Teen Steel pulled his uniform shirt out of his locker. “I feel like we’re about to be screwed over.”

“Royally,” Seth said.

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