Genre: mm superscience sci-fi romance
Rating: teen+
Summary: He'd been under a lot of stress lately. He'd never thought that planning a wedding would be so hard. It taxed even his high intellect and left him wanting to crawl into his bed until everything worked itself out. }
Title: The Panic Pure
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm suspense thriller
Rating: mature
Summary: The room was claustrophobic and filled with screens showing scenes from all over the building and outside. There was a small, thin-faced man sitting on one of the swivel chairs. He looked them over disinterestedly before going back to what he was doing. }
Genre: fantasy
Rating: mature
Summary: The man known as the Emperor's Hand was certainly not what people expected on first sight. He looked more like an expensive courtesan than a topless fighter and the Emperor's most trusted champion. }
Genre: mm superscience sci-fi
Rating: teen+
Summary: Alan meets RJ for the first time at the awkwardest dinner party *ever*. }
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