Genre: mm superscience sci-fi
Rating: teen+
Summary: "You almost died!" Alan cried, shaking his head. He picked up William's left hand and held it like it was something precious, like William was something precious. }
Genre: fantasy
Rating: mature
Summary: Yawning, he made his way through the hallways and down the stairs to the palace baths. There were several men already there, but he ignored them. All he wanted was to be clean. }
Genre: mm superscience sci-fi romance
Rating: teen+
Summary: He'd been under a lot of stress lately. He'd never thought that planning a wedding would be so hard. It taxed even his high intellect and left him wanting to crawl into his bed until everything worked itself out. }
Title: The Panic Pure
Author: Harper Kingsley
Genre: mm suspense thriller
Rating: mature
Summary: The room was claustrophobic and filled with screens showing scenes from all over the building and outside. There was a small, thin-faced man sitting on one of the swivel chairs. He looked them over disinterestedly before going back to what he was doing. }
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