
Sometimes It Drives You Completely Manic, by Harper Kingsley. Prose. There are times when I'm completely manic. You don't realize how powerful it makes you feel. It's like the really good drugs ... And just like them it's super dangerous. Like careening off a cliff dangerous.

Things I like: bacon. Bob's Burgers. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. cats. cheese. chocolate. crossword puzzles. Dredd. eggrolls. fried chicken. gochujang. Hannigram. HEAs. HFNs. jigsaw puzzles. kimchi. lo mein noodles. mushrooms. nectarines. Nintendo Switch. paperback books. pineapple. pizza. potstickers. raspberry jam. Rick and Morty. sleeping in. snickerdoodles. spaghetti. strawberries. sudoku. tacos. tomatoes. vacations. vaccinations.