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Title: Returner (2002)
Genre: sci-fi, action
Directed by: Takashi Yamazaki
Written by: Takashi Yamazaki, Kenya Hirata
Starring: Takeshi Kaneshiro, Anne Suzuki, and Goro Kishitani

Summary from IMDB: A young woman from the future forces a local gunman to help her stop an impending alien invasion which will wipe out the human race.

aStore: DVD

Okay, so this movie is basically ET, The Matrix, Transformers, and Terminator all rolled up into one. And it was pretty awesome, if I must say.

The lead guy is pretty hot. The girl is kind of cute in a very normal girl kind of way. The story is somewhat nonsensical and you have to wonder why the heck they would do some of the things they do. The dialogue is sometimes incredibly stupid and you’re left wondering what kind of people they really are. It was pretty juvenile sci-fi fan service in some of its scenes. But it was also a truly awesome movie.

It will never be my favorite movie, I would never go that far, but it was very good and I was left with that soaring heart feeling you only get from movies that have in some way effected the way your brain thinks of something, even if you don’t know what the effect could mean. This movie had some personal significance to me, though all I really know is that it made me happy to watch it.

The lead guy is seeking vengeance on this crazy guy over the death of his childhood friend, and he doesn’t seem to care if he dies to do it. So he becomes a paid assassin. His bad guy is the bad guy, which gives the good guy a double reason to go after the jerk and rip out his pound of flesh.… Read the rest “RE MOVIE: Returner [Japanese]”

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Title: Pandorum
Genre: sci-fi, horror
Rating: R
Director: Christian Alvart
Writers: Travis Milloy (screenplay)
Stars: Dennis Quaid, Ben Foster, Cam Gigandet

Summary borrowed from IMDB: A pair of crew members aboard a spaceship wake up with no knowledge of their mission or their identities.

aStore: DVD, Blu-Ray, digital

If you like gritty sci-fi horror, then this movie is for you. A pretty slick trip into a future of horror, though the story is a little too good for simple popcorn fare. A great science fiction movie.

Amnesiac Bower (Ben Foster) wakes up in his stasis tube aboard the Elysium. Hypersleep can cause memory loss and a dangerous hallucination-laden mental state called Pandorum, amidst which other ships have had their commanders jettison the whole crew.

Upon waking, Bower is joined by Lieutenant Payton (Dennis Quaid) and they quickly discover that something is very wrong. The flight crews are supposed to be rotated over the course of their 123 year journey to Tanis. The rotation has been broken and no one has been maintaining the ship. They have no idea how long they’ve been asleep, and to top it all off they’re trapped in their crew berth, unable to access the bridge or its crew.

Desperate to gain control of the ship and discover what’s going on, Bower crawls through the innards of the ship in hopes of figuring out what’s happening. And that’s where everything really starts.

Featuring a hot chick with attitude, a Vietnamese agriculture worker that doesn’t seem to speak English, a crazy guy that just wants to survive, and a bunch of strange creatures that like to EAT people. Bower wonders how the creatures got on board the ship. He wonders if his family is somewhere in the family crew berths below or if they’re … Read the rest “RE MOVIE: Pandorum [sci-fi, horror]”

Hanging out, down the street, same old thing we did last week...

Not a thing to do, but hang with you...

This song's so catchy I don't know what to do.