Sol Crafter

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Title: Centrifical Author: Sol Crafter Genre: mm romance Summary: Marty is the star of a B-rated sci-fi show. Jim is a rock god. They grew up as nerds together. Now Jim is coming home. Part of the Rocking Hard anthology from Less Than Three Press.

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Title: Across Two Divides Author: Sol Crafter Genre: mm, mf, relationship drama Character: Nicholas Underwood/David Jacobson, Christian DeLongeria/Julianna DeLongeria, Frankie Beauregard Rating: Mature Read Chapters One and Two HERE Summary: Nicholas goes on his first date with David. }

Hello darkness, my old friend,
here I am to gaze again
upon the beauty of thy cheek,
your loving Will dost make us weep.
To see you both so rudely parted,
our hearts were broken,
then restarted, with the fire of our yearning,
for "Season 4!" our hearts are burning.