Title: From Diamond to Coal
Author: Sol Crafter
Genre: mm superscience sci-fi romance
Rating: teen+
Summary: They were lying poolside at their hotel, a pitcher and two glasses between them. Alan wore a pair of blue swim trunks and his bare skin was smooth and tan. He looked as though he went to the gym regularly. }
Genre: mm superscience sci-fi
Rating: teen+
Summary: William closed his eyes for a long moment, trying to escape from that expression on Alan's face. "I'm still here. They didn't get me." }
Genre: mm superscience sci-fi romance
Rating: teen+
Summary: He'd been under a lot of stress lately. He'd never thought that planning a wedding would be so hard. It taxed even his high intellect and left him wanting to crawl into his bed until everything worked itself out. }
Genre: mm superscience sci-fi
Rating: teen+
Summary: Alternative Beginning. Alan and William meet for the first time and hit it off. }
Haunted by the ghost of you,
the things you said,
and made me do;
the darkness that called out to me,
pulled me in,
set me free.
I lie here in my bed at night,
dream of you,
our Maybe Life,
regret the choices that we made,
the love you took into the grave.